Apparently players in red stand a better chance of winning in football than other colours. Due to the importance of the football match against Portugal last Saturday, I chose to open a red bottle.
La Colombina rosso di Montalcino 2006 DOC
In many respects a vineyards rosso is a good indicator of the ditto Brunello. In this case the Sangiovese vines (aka Brunello) are simply not old enough to produce the more sophisticated brunello and thus we end up with this rosso. When I first tasted this wine the wood was very dominant, but there were promises of a well developing fruit if you were prepared to wait for it. Now 1½ years later it is time to check the status of this wine.
On the first day it poured out light clear and red. It was a little closed both in the nose and mouth with notes of fresh cherries and some spice. It finishes a bit short but is very drinkable. To me, this wine gives a good impression of how elegant wines made on sangiovese can be. In fact this wine reminded me more of Chianti than Brunello, but this is off course dependent of which specific wines you compare it to. It was accompanying ducks leg with a mix of potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley roots and butternut squash baked in the oven. As you might have guessed the wine could not quite match this pairing. I am, however, convinced that this wine will suit a lot of lighter dishes such as pasta, chicken and veal.
On the second day it was more open but it seems as if it is not quite ready to reveal its full potential so the remaining bottles will have to wait a little longer (not too long though).
88 P
/Mads E
La Colombina rosso di Montalcino 2006 DOC
In many respects a vineyards rosso is a good indicator of the ditto Brunello. In this case the Sangiovese vines (aka Brunello) are simply not old enough to produce the more sophisticated brunello and thus we end up with this rosso. When I first tasted this wine the wood was very dominant, but there were promises of a well developing fruit if you were prepared to wait for it. Now 1½ years later it is time to check the status of this wine.
On the first day it poured out light clear and red. It was a little closed both in the nose and mouth with notes of fresh cherries and some spice. It finishes a bit short but is very drinkable. To me, this wine gives a good impression of how elegant wines made on sangiovese can be. In fact this wine reminded me more of Chianti than Brunello, but this is off course dependent of which specific wines you compare it to. It was accompanying ducks leg with a mix of potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley roots and butternut squash baked in the oven. As you might have guessed the wine could not quite match this pairing. I am, however, convinced that this wine will suit a lot of lighter dishes such as pasta, chicken and veal.
On the second day it was more open but it seems as if it is not quite ready to reveal its full potential so the remaining bottles will have to wait a little longer (not too long though).
88 P
/Mads E
Det lyder spændende med en ny måling af Columbina’en 06.
Herhjemme har et beskedent køb af kun 3 flasker, har blot en overlevet til idag. De første 2 var temlige “hårde”, “lukkede”, og indtil nu, en lille skuffelse, idet at træet var så markant, og de mulige flotte nuancer af Sangiovesedruen få .
Den sidste flaske skal så både ligge, og efterflg luftes godt.
Jeg oplever ofte at sangiovese kan rumme nogle sjove bouquet reminiscencer af noget jord/stald/evt ammoniak. Var der ingen sådanne noter?
Nej ingen stald noter hos mig. Frisk og forholdsvis imødekommende var mere midt indtryk. Et dejligt glas,men jeg tror der er potentiale for lidt udvikling.
Skægt. Fandt lige at Bob Parker finder den "dark, full-bodied wine loaded with super-ripe fruit, smoke, spice and underbrush nuances." Sådan ser jeg den slet ikke, men den har da også ændret sig en hel del siden sidst.
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