Today I dropped by a bookstore and litteraly fell over Parkers 7th wine guide. I kind of stopped using my old one (6th), simply as it started to be too outdated with long commentaries on vintages from the mid/late 90'ties, which now appear too rare in shops.
The new book however, evaluate wines from 2000 to 2006, and to my great surprise the book contains many more detailed maps of wine regions in the world.
Adding to this, and to my pleasure, the book also contains whole 62 pages on the portuguese wine and ports. In last edition Portugal barely got a note, but this has changed along side with the attention and quality of Portuguese wine.
.."and quality of Portuguese wine"....????????
Mads ;D
is that a remark from an unconvienced reader on Portuguese wines? :)
"...A little exploration (in Portugal) will be well rewarded here. Wheter you are a burgundy lover or a shiraz lover, there is wine for you, often in distinctive varietal blend that is hard to find anywhere else" (RP, 7th guide).
Anders Drud
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